Your home is one of your biggest assets, if not your biggest asset. Because of this, you don’t want just any realtor to sell your home. This is where you will want to count on TK Homes to help. Our goal is to net you the most amount of money at the closing table, in the quickest amount of time with the least amount of hassle.


To start with, a general rule is that it is not always the best idea to have your friend or family member sell your home. When selling your home, there could be issues that come up, and you want an agent who is willing to be honest with you no matter what. You definitely don’t want someone who is just telling you what you want to hear because they don’t want to hurt your feelings or someone who is afraid to state the tough facts.


Along with being an honest agent, you want an agent who is ethical. TK Homes can definitely help you is this area. Our motto is disclose, disclose, disclose. We want to let the buyers know everything we know about the house. This means they cannot come back and say they didn’t know something pertinent, which could then have legal ramifications for you as a seller.


A good listing agent should also use preventive strategies. This means that before you list your home your agent should identify areas of the home that might cause hiccups during the transaction. This is a 2-part responsibility. First your agent should let you know about any updates or fixes you should do that would bring your home more value or avoid issues during an inspection. Secondly, your agent should recommend you schedule contractors to come out to assess the big systems in your homes such as your roof, your furnace, etc. (of course, this will depend on the age of your roof and your furnace). By being proactive prior to going on the market, the contract process will be much less stressful for all parties involved.


One of the most important things your real estate agent needs to be good at is pricing. At TK Homes, that is one of our strengths. In fact, other agents in our office pay for our team to do their Comparative Market Analysis for them because they understand that this is something we do well. Some agents actually really struggle with pricing homes correctly. If you price a home too high, you will not get interest or offers. If you price a home too low, buyers will wonder what is wrong with it. That is why TK Homes does extensive research by looking at comparable


properties in your neighborhood which have sold recently, so we can price your home correctly from the start. We pride ourselves in keeping up with the market condition, which is important for pricing homes correctly as well.


9-15_How-to-pick-denver-agent.jpgMarketing is another strength of TK Homes and is important in a listing agent. At TK Homes, we have our own in-house photographer. Because of this, we can list your house quickly, and we have complete control over which pictures we use. With a 3rd party photography company, you just get the pictures you get, and there are no retakes. Another thing that sets TK Homes apart is that we put a rider with a custom URL on top of your for sale sign. This URL will go to your home’s own property specific Single Property Website.  When buyers drive by, they can access all the information about your house right in the palm of their hand. It is this website that our listing agents will send all of their marketing efforts to. This means that all those efforts go straight to your home, not the competing homes down the street, like any other agent’s websites.


Besides all of the qualities mentioned above that make an outstanding listing agent, it goes without saying that your real estate agent needs to be both a good communicator and a good negotiator. They need to communicate well with you and make sure they communicate well with the buyer’s agents that call them. They also need to be able to effectively express your point of view, have your best interests in mind and effectively negotiate on your behalf throughout the selling process.


If you are wondering how you can find a listing agent with all of the qualities mentioned, our agents at TK Homes are the solution. We take pride in what we do. We put our clients first and have the skills and experience to net you the most money at the closing able, in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of fuss. If you are considering selling your home, call us today and find out why Denver homeowners and agents alike trust TK Homes with their homes!


~ Written by TK Homes REALTOR® Mary Smith


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