An Insider’s Look at
Selling a Family Home

July 18, 2024

This week I will be flying to Cleveland to help my mom sell our family home. My mom has lived there for 58 years, and I have never known another family home. At first, I didn’t think it would impact me that much. I talked to my childhood friend, and she told me that I need to see the home one last time before it gets sold, and her advice was to give myself time to get through it. As mentioned, I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal until I started thinking more about it.

There are so many memories in this home, both good and bad. My parents had a large backyard, and we used to have a concrete circle in the middle with an above the ground pool. We had one swing, a jungle gym, and an awesome sandbox. My mom had gorgeous rose bushes behind the garage, and she knew the name of each one. We had a huge garden with carrots, asparagus, peas, beets, squash, beans, tomatoes, corn, and so much more. We also had an apple tree and grapevines. My childhood was filled with shelling peas, husking corn, and making applesauce. I used to play hopscotch on our long driveway and do gymnastics in the yard. I learned to do my first back walkover on the front lawn.


Some of the not-as-positive memories were picking Japanese beetles off of our grapevines and shoveling manure. My mom had it dumped at the end of our driveway to use as fertilizer for the garden. I got my first stitches riding my bike with “no hands” on the sidewalk in front of our home.


In writing this article, I think that if selling our family home is hard for me, it must be very difficult for my mom. Although I moved away, she has continued to live there. She lived there for most of her married life and even after my father passed away. I think all of this is an eye opener and a window into what many older people may feel when they leave their long-time home. Not only are they physically moving to a new place, but they have to emotionally work through this. It definitely gives me a new perspective. Another element involved that I haven’t mentioned yet is how exhausting it is to have to sort through a home that has been lived in for so many years.


07-18-24_Selling a Family Home_inset.jpgBeyond all of the physical and emotional changes and potential exhaustion, there is a lot involved in selling a home that could feel challenging to anyone, but especially to someone who is elderly. At TK Homes, we are aware of these challenges and do extra things to help elderly clients get through this process as smoothly as possible. For example, technology can be difficult for some elderly people, so we help our clients sign contracts on the computer, or we will facilitate wet signing, meaning signing on paper. If need be, we can increase the font size on contracts, so they are easier for our clients to read as well. Just as we do for any client, it is  important to explain expectations, such as the average days on market. The idea is that we don’t want any surprises that could have been anticipated. We understand the importance of remaining even keel throughout the transaction so as not to get our clients overly concerned. Pre-inspections are also important to reduce surprises during inspections once under contract.


I am grateful for my experience as an agent with TK Homes, not only because it will help me to help my mom sell her home but also because it will help me to serve the older population in the best way possible. If you happen to know of someone who would like to sell their home, no matter the age, contact a TK Homes agent. We have unique strategies to work with any population, whether it be first homebuyers or adult children helping their aging parents. Our unique strategies are what set us apart. At TK Homes, we promise we will take the time to ensure your parents and you are comfortable with the process and outcome of selling your childhood home. We understand that this is more than just a real estate transaction for you and your family. Contact a TK Homes agent today, and let’s start working together on your home sale.


~ Written by TK Homes REALTOR®, Mary Smith




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