At TK Homes, we do open houses well! In fact, they are one of our favorite things to do to help you get your house sold. We have done many over the years, and we have it down to a science. We have specific proven strategies we use to help maximize the potential of an open house. Here is what we do to go the extra mile when hosting an open house for you.


We take our signing seriously. At TK Homes, we typically use 15-20 signs to help direct people to your open house. We make sure to put signs at large intersections to get your open house noticed by as much traffic as possible. Part of our signing strategy is to use large open house flags that grab people’s attention. This helps to bring people to your home who didn’t happen to see it online and may just be driving by. We will get your house seen with our proven methods!


Marketing your home is one of our top priorities, and we advertise our open houses on our TK Homes Facebook page and boost the posts. We also use a pay-per-click marketing strategy. We get your home noticed! We have professionally designed flyers that we door knock in the neighborhood the day before the open house to invite all the neighbors to the open house. Some neighbors often know someone that would like to move into the neighborhood. We also have flyers at the property the day of the open house so that buyers can take them with them. That way they can remember the main concepts about the house, what it looks like and keep your home top of mind. 


At the open house, we have a sign-in to let you know who is in your home, specifically how many people come to the open house and so we can follow-up with the people who come through the open house. That way we can let buyers that come through the open house know if there is an offer deadline and when there is a lot of interest in the home. 


Throughout the open house and when potential buyers are leaving the open house, we always ask for feedback on the home both good and bad. This information is relayed to you as a seller, and then we will analyze this information to determine if there are any changes we need to make with the home to improve how it shows. This feedback can be very helpful and can really make a difference with any future private showings. 


As we walk people through the home with buyers, we point out the strengths about the home and the things we like. This way we can make sure that buyers realize all of the positive selling points about your home and its potential. We love what we do and enjoy talking to potential buyers about your home's assets. We always have our open houses staffed with at least 2 people so the buyers can ask plenty of questions about your home and get the attention they need. 


Open houses are an area where TK Homes shines! We go above and beyond to get your home noticed and get your property sold. If you are thinking about selling, contact one of our trusted TK Homes agents today, and we can begin the process. Start thinking about your future plans today!

~ Written by TK Homes REALTOR® Mary Smith

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