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It is hard to believe that come mid-May of 2022 I will have been in real estate for 7 years. Back in 2015, I had no idea where my real estate career would take me, but I can tell you I am extremely grateful I took the step to get licensed to do real estate full time. Today, I am often asked how I got into the industry. The story itself is short and sweet.


It all started in November of 2014 when my wife and I started the process of buying our first home. Like many first-time homebuyers, the experience was exciting and a bit nerve-racking all at the same time. We had worked hard up to that point to pay off all debts and save for a down payment. However, we also were currently renting a small 2-bedroom apartment that was only costing us $740 a month. The idea of having a monthly house payment of $1800 was enough to make us sick, but we were very used to sticking with a budget and knew that we could afford this new housing payment.

We worked with an agent that was absolutely amazing. She was available to answer questions, explain the process, and help us find a house we could call home. The market was also a seller’s market, so we experienced our fair share of disappointment with homes selling before we could see them or being out bid when we did make an offer; however, after a few weeks of looking, we finally found our first home and went under contract. This started a whole new chapter of our buying journey, which was just as exciting as the first chapter. After some back and forth and negotiations, we officially closed on our new home on December 12, 2014, and two weeks later we hosted the family Christmas. As exciting as all of this was, there was a major part of me that was saddened that it was over.




After a few months of enjoying our new home, I was not able to shake this feeling. That’s when I realized that I loved the process of buying real estate. I quickly set a time to meet with our agent and to ask more questions about how I could get licensed and make real estate my career. From that discussion, I realized how much helping my wife and I buy our first home meant to her; it was a feeling I wanted to experience. The rest, as they say, is history. I researched different real estate schools, and by May 14, 2015, I had my real estate license and got involved in real estate full time.

Today, I am grateful to be in business with some of the best agents in the Denver area. I even have the pleasure of helping these agents with their own transactions and have helped to make them more successful. I often tell people that I am successful in real estate because I had no choice; my passion is real estate, and if I wasn’t doing real estate, I don’t know what else I would do.

If you’re looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate, I would like to talk with you. Let me show you how my passion for real estate can help make your real estate goals a reality!

~ Written by CEO/REALTOR®Trevor Kohlhepp






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